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The Combine Elite (also known as the Elite Combine Soldier) is an Elite Combine unit cut from Half-Life 2. He is the successor of the Combine Sniper Elite, also a cut enemy. They were meant to be seen in the map "vert_04" amongst other maps like " camocity ", " camostreet ", and " camoroom " made for testing the soldier's camouflage ability and AI. Their successor is the Overwatch Elite.


The Combine Elite was to use at least four weapons, the XM29 OICW, Jaytest, MP5K and Combine SPAS-12. Concept Art shows a Combine Elite wielding a Heavy machine gun very reminiscent of the cut GR9, indicating the soldier may have been planned to use the GR9, however it never went past concept phase.

Overwatch Soldier camo

Concept Art of the elite holding the GR9.

The Elite is a Transhuman unit. His human face, visable through his large yellow goggles on his gas mask, appears to be located unnaturally low, inbetween the soldier's shoulders. His head location is presumably the outcome of surgical modifications by the Combine, what is present in the original location of his head is unknown. The rest of his body is covered in a bulky full body suit (presumably some form of armor). If his suit was also meant to enable the soldier to use holographic camouflage to blend with anything behind him much like his predecessor, the Sniper elite is unknown.

In his original state most of his animations don't work properly. Originally his model would be doing a T-pose as he would turn and look at the enemy without moving his feet or legs whilst emitting voice lines (which were reused from the Combine Soldier sounds). When killed his body shakes violently to the ground as a long transparent texture appears from his body, and his feet disappear - additionally, some parts of his body move upward into the air while the rest of the body is stuck to the ground. A couple pointy polygons also stretch from his fingers. Once killed, it was almost impossible to flip his body over as shooting the corpse would induce severe slowdown. It wasn't until his code was found that it was fixed, to a extent. With the fixed code, he is as functional as any other Combine Soldier in the beta game. While wielding any weapon (with the exception of the OICW XM29), his left hand was above his head, and when shooting or aiming his left hand would be under the weapon. His combat behavior was equally broken; when the Elite was to engage an enemy, he would point and fire his weapon at the ground, missing his shots. While these issues were fixed to a degree, the aforementioned fix still has the Elite's left arm above his head with his right hand on the trigger.

His animations and Combat behavior were fixed on June 19, 2019 by the team over at project beta.ru with the author being The One Epicplayer. The fix was also featured in Megapatch v.4.1 as well.

The Elite shares temporary voice lines with his predecessor, the Combine Sniper Elite, comprised of two different voice types. One is a modified version of the HECU voice lines from the first Half-Life, the other is a modified version of the Metro Cop voice lines. He also shares many other files with his predecessor, including the model, many textures, and animations.

Camouflauge Ability[]

Main Article: Combine Sniper Elite

Just like the Combine Sniper Elite, the Combine Elite uses extremely similar code as the Sniper (fixed by VXP.) Whenever the Elite or the Sniper Elite is in front of a object or a wall, his camouflage's color will change into that of the surrounding environment. There are some objects and surfaces the camouflage won't work on, but otherwise, the feature is fully functional.


Originally the elites were to make sound like they were tuning a radio as they spoke in static mutters. This was later found out as a broken feature. They're official voice lines were reused from the HECU. These are their quotes:

  • We got Freeman!
  • Squad! We got Freeman
  • Shit!
  • Movement!
  • Target!
  • Cover!
  • I Need Suppressive Fire!
  • Fire in the hole!
  • Neutralize!
  • Go!
  • Go Recon!
  • Let's Go!
  • Move In!
  • Grenade!
  • Cover Fire!
  • Request Backup!
  • Recon!
  • Squad!


  • As seen in the leak's source code, it was to be used as the NPC npc_combineelite, with a health of 100 instead of the 70 of the final NPC, and with a behavior identical to that of the standard Overwatch Soldier.
  • By default, the model appears with the early Sniper Rifle; this may be related to an early specific relation with the Overwatch Sniper hinted at in Raising the Bar. In-game, it is also able to use the shotgun, the MP5K and the OICW.
  • The facemap behind the mask is based on Ted Backman's face, also used for the Conscripts and Citizen Male 2.An alternate version was released as part of the 2016-2017 leak.
  • By the time Half-Life 2 was leaked in 2003, it was no longer used, only being featured as leftover files, with an obsolete, broken model with its camouflage feature no longer working.It has since been fixed by various members of the leak community, when the fully functional model was released as part of the 2016-2017 leak.
  • The texture files also include two alternate standard camouflage variants.
  • In-game, it uses the same sentences as that of the Overwatch Soldier. At that time of Half-Life 2’s development, sentences of the Half-Life HECU Marines were used as placeholders.
  • In the WC map pack, it appears in the 2001 maps camoroom (a simple test map with a set of different wall textures, carrying a shotgun), camocity (a set of streets also including a Manhack and the Brickbat, not carrying any weapon), camostreet (a war-torn set of streets, carrying a MP5Ks), or vert_04_001 (a set of Skyscraper stories).
  • In Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar, concept art for this model simply refers to it as the Overwatch Soldier.


List of appearances[]

External links[]
