Half-Life Wiki
Half-Life Wiki
This subject is from the Combine era.This is a safe article.
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"Did you ever have your hands on any of the weapons these guys are supposedly armed with? Suddenly it's not just rocks, and bottles, and Molotovs."
Overwatch Soldiers[src]

The Brickbat is an unfinished (and probably test) weapon cut from Half-Life 2 and a predecessor of the Gravity Gun. It can be found in the playable Half-Life 2 Beta files.


  • The Brickbat was to allow the player to use a small selection of objects as weapons, by picking them up off the ground and throwing them at enemies. They were to include at least four elements: rocks (four models, all identical), Cremator heads, Headcrabs (mirroring the Snark from Half-Life), and beer bottles (in two versions, recycled for the Molotov Cocktail).
  • It also appears that Citizens were to use it as well. While they were to use the Molotov Cocktail in Get Your Free TVs!, the Half-Life 2 Beta source code shows that they also were to throw rocks and Cremator heads (the Combine Factories' workers) at Combine forces.[1] Hammer also shows that Citizens have two weapon choices named "Beer Bottle" and "Beer Bottle2".
  • The damage that thrown objects were to do were to depend on the object's velocity when it was in the air.[1]
  • Its entity name, "weapon_brickbat", can still be found in Hammer, with the four elements to choose, though it is invalid.
  • In the playable Beta, the Molotov Cocktail appears as a Headcrab when spawned but is a regular Molotov when thrown. This is mostly because the Molotov was made of the remains of the Brickbat, bottle version, and was not completed at the time of the file leak. The Molotov HUD icon is also that of the Snark, confirming the analogy between the two weapons, the Headcrab Brickbat being in a way the Source version of the Snark. It was also apparently used by Citizens to show them roasting Headcrabs above a fire, as seen in the WC mappack map starting by "canals_02_".
  • In the WC mappack, it can be found near Citizens in the maps "rooftops" and its variants and "camocity.vmf".
  • It was probably removed when the Gravity Gun made it redundant, since this particular weapon allows the player to pick up and throw almost every object in the game.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Half-Life 2 Beta source code