Half-Life Wiki
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This is the talk page for "Projects."
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This is the discussion area for the projects page. Any suggestions for future projects or comments on current ones may be placed here.

Cleanup project defunct?[]

What with the current Portal project and planned projects for the other series, does this essentially make the cleanup project defunct? It might be a good idea to keep it running, though, alongside the other two, because it's useful for encouraging people to edit. Bramblepath 12:28, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

It's not dead at all, but Portal 2 just flooded the wiki with too much stuff that I can't keep up with, hence the Cleanup project not matching the Portal 2 project. Let's say it's a bit on hold for now. I'd also like to reboot the Featured articles, but that's just impossible for now. Klow 23:18, June 27, 2011 (UTC)
Well, we can always loop back through old featured articles. At least that's something new. I guess the Portal project has superseded the cleanup project for now. Bramblepath 20:10, July 6, 2011 (UTC)

Non Half-life related removal project[]

Why is the non half-life related article removing project 'completed' when there are more than 100's of pages of portal stuff. The project should be put in the 'pending' section, I think. Lombax0987-1234 (talk) 00:51, January 29, 2014 (UTC)

Suggesting a new project?[]

I'm guessing this is where I should put about suggesting for a new project. To expand topics that are not very big or have not many images, like trying to get lots more info into Beta content pages. Lombax0987-1234 (talk) 00:55, January 29, 2014 (UTC)
